Röwer & Rüb Führanlagen mit Hufschlagdach, Turmführanlage verzinkte Elementezäune mit Holzfüllung

Round Horse Walkers 

Impressive quality that has proven its worth around the world

The round horse walkers have demonstrated their reliability and smooth running for decades. When we design our horse walkers we focus on safety and durability. This focus pays off because our horse walkers always run reliably under any weather conditions.

Highest flexibility with proven safety

The approximately 2.40 m wide walking track of the horse walkers provides sufficient space for the horse to move for continuous exercise. The horses can turn comfortably on the track when changing direction.

We supply two drive systems for round horse walkers: The Röwer & Rüb tower horse walker and the Röwer & Rüb ring horse walker.

To the drive systems


roewer-rueb-runde Führanlage mit hufschlagüberdachung mit sonnenuntergang

Advantages of the round horse walkers

Röwer & Rüb Turm-Führanlagen Innen Turm Antrieb Außen Windschutznetz
  • Extremely strong basic structure
  • Safe and horse-friendly features
  • Durable, solid rubber tyre drive units
  • Different roof designs available
  • Approximately 2.40 m wide, comfortable track
  • Different diameters from 13 to 25 m for three to ten horses

Our different versions at a glance

Round horse walker without roof

The tower horse walker without a roof can be used for outdoor installation or in a building. The ring horse walker is suitable for existing roofed areas.

Röwer & Rüb Führanlage rund Turmführanlage ohne Bedachung verzinkt

Round horse walkers with track roof

The roof on the horse walkers with a track roof is 3,40 m wide. This makes training independent of the weather and the facility can be used all year round. With this design the interior remains completely free and unobstructed. Existing horse walkers can also be retrofitted with our track roofs.

The basic design is suitable for ring and tower horse walkers.

Röwer & Rüb runde Führanlag mit Hufschlagdach mit Elementezaun und Windschutznetz

Round horse walkers with full roof

The ring horse walker with Classic full roof is the perfect combination of horse walker and lunging arena. In addition to being able to train your horses in all weathers with controlled exercise in the horse walker, the system also permits lunging in the open interior area.

Röwer & Rüb Führanlagen rund Innenansicht mit Stahlträgern
roewer-rueb-führanlagen rund multiline dach vollholz

Working under an extraordinary roof

The ring horse walker with Multiline full roof offers you many practical advantages for daily work with your horses and enough free space for your wishes and exercising your horses. The impressive roof structure is supported by beams made of laminated wood and steel columns.

roewer-rueb-Banner Projektanfrage

Are you planning a project?

We work with you to find an ideal solution that is individual and customised to meet your needs. We would be pleased to advise you!


Contact now


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